Coming Soon…”Sunday Spotlight”

Coming Soon…”Sunday Spotlight”

Coming Soon..."Sunday Spotlight" Hi everyone!! Do you have a business that I should know about or write about? I've decided to do a new feature on my blog every Sunday called "Sunday Spotlight." If you know anything about me (at all) you know that I am a huge...

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GeminiRed loves Rinse Bath & Body

GeminiRed loves Rinse Bath & Body

Small Business Spotlight...Rinse Bath & Body If you've been reading my blog since the beginning you know I am strong advocate for small business and love to promote my friends who have small businesses because I understand first hand the hard work it takes. Well,...

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Let there be Music!

Let there be Music!

Small Business Spotlight...Let there be Music! Reconnecting with "old" friends on Facebook has been such a great part of the past few years of my life. I had a lot of friends in High School, and I'd like to consider myself somewhat popular (even today - LOL). What I...

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Great head shots!

Great head shots!

Small Business Spotlight...Great head shots! One look at my personal Facebook page or on my computer hard drive and you will instantly think I'm in love with myself. There are photos of me everywhere. Well, I have been with myself for 42 years and "they" (I know -...

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National Small Business Week (5/20/12-5/26/12)

National Small Business Week (5/20/12-5/26/12)

Small Business Spotlight...National Small Business Week (5/20/12-5/26/12) Did you know that this week is National Small Business week?? Do your part and shop at your favorite small business this week (well, heck, every week). Here are a few I would like to recommend...

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Do you believe in small business?

Do you believe in small business?

Small Business Spotlight...Do you believe in small business? Do you believe that small business and entrepreneurship is important to the future of the U.S.? Do you believe that small business helps provide jobs and helps the economy? I DO! I told you about my friend...

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Wickedly Wooden

Wickedly Wooden

Small Business Spotlight...Wickedly Wooden Yesterday I highlighted my friend's new cake business. Today I'd like to tell you about my brother's (Scott) wood carving business. My brother and his girlfriend (Nicole) are so talented I cannot even contain myself when it...

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